Why are MBAs not keeping pace with a changing world? - New Leadership Playbook

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Why are MBAs not keeping pace with a changing world?

Hiro Mizuno is chief executive of Good Steward Partners, a former UN special envoy, and special adviser to the CEO of MSCI.

January 26, 2024

The time has come for an across-the-board revamp of business education — including, and especially, the finance curriculum — to reflect the world we need. 

—Hiro Mizuno

As someone who has managed the world’s largest pension fund, sits on the boards of multinationals, and interacts frequently with CEOs and investors, I see that sustainability is increasingly a core corporate priority.

Why, then, are so many MBA programmes failing to update business education in ways that account for a changing world and business landscape? By clinging to outdated curricula, educators are missing a key opportunity to stimulate interest among students in the very topics that require mastery after graduation in the modern C-suite.

Read the full op-ed in the Financial Times